People with disabilities in Melbourne have a range of services available to them to help them live independently. These supports are customised to fit individual goals and aspirations because there is no one-size-fit-all approach in the system.

PWD Care, a provider of NDIS care support services in Melbourne, shares this guide on how to access personalised disability support services in the city.

Talk to The Right Professionals

The best way to find the right service for you is to get in touch with the right healthcare  professionals in the field of disability care such as:

NDIS Coordinator

A care coordinator can help you understand your options and connect you with the right disability support. They will take into account your individual needs and preferences, and match you with a service that can meet them.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for disability services. If you are eligible for the NDIS, you will have an Individualised Plan that outlines the supports you need. You can then use this plan to find providers who can deliver these services.

NDIS Support Workers

Disability support workers can provide a range of services, including personal care, domestic assistance, community access, and support with everyday activities. They can also provide specialist supports, such as behaviour support or disability-specific therapies.

Different NDIS Disability Services

There are a number of organisations that provide disability services and support in Melbourne. These services can be broadly categorised into four main types: accommodation, transport, employment, and respite care.

  • Accommodation services help people with disabilities to find and maintain safe and secure housing. This may include assistance with renting, utility bills, and home maintenance. 
  • Transport services help people with disabilities to get around Melbourne. This may include assistance with public transport, taxis, or private transport options. 
  • Employment services help people with disabilities to find and maintain employment. This may include assistance with job search, resume writing, interview skills, and workplace modifications. 
  • Respite care services provide short-term relief for carers of people with disabilities. This may include overnight stays, day programs, or community access activities. 

Finding the Right Partnership

There are a range of personalised NDIS disability support services available to people with disabilities in Melbourne. These services can help people with disabilities to live independently and participate fully in the community. If you need assistance, please contact your local disability support organisation for more information or you can partner with trusted care providers in Melbourne like PWD Care.

We are a team of devoted healthcare professionals who wish to elevate the standards of support and services given to people with disabilities. Our services are always delivered to accommodate the individual needs of each of our participants. This way, we can be sure that all of their life goals are being achieved. Receive the best support plan that can change your life positively when you connect with PWD Care!