Here in Melbourne, we’re lucky to have a wide range of community participation activities available for NDIS participants. From group workouts to cooking classes, there’s something for everyone. Below, PWD Care, a disability provider in Melbourne, compiled a list of 10 fun social activities for NDIS participants in Melbourne.

Choosing the Right Activity for You

There are many NDIS social and community participation activities available for NDIS participants and below are the top 10 events you can join in if you are living in Melbourne:

1. Workouts@TheHub:

This is a free, weekly group workout designed specifically for people with disabilities. The workout is held at The Hub Community Centre in Northcote and is open to all levels of fitness.

2. Accessible Yoga:

Accessible Yoga is an inclusive yoga class that accommodates people of all abilities. The class is held at the St Kilda Town Hall and costs $10 per session.

3. ArtBeat:

Artbeat is a monthly art program held at the Collingwood Library for people with disabilities. The program includes a range of different art activities and is free to attend.

4. Friday Night Group:

The Friday night group is a social club for young people with disabilities aged 18-35. The group meets once a month to socialise and have fun. Membership costs $5 per year.

5. Sunnysiders Garden Club:

The Sunnysiders Garden Club is a gardening club specifically for people with disabilities. The club meets once a month and membership costs $5 per year.

6. Accessible Cooking Class:

This cooking class is designed for people with disabilities and is held at the community kitchen in Collingwood Town Hall. The cost is $10 per session and bookings are essential.

7. Fortnightly Scrabble Club:

This scrabble club is open to all levels, from beginners to experts, and meets fortnightly at the Fitzroy Library . It’s free to attend but gold coin donations are appreciated.

8 . Film Club:

The film club meets monthly at the Kensington Town Hall and screenings are free for members . Membership costs $5 per year .

9 . Creative Writing Group:

This group meets fortnightly at the Northcote Library and focuses on creative writing . It’s free to attend but please bring along your own paper and pens/pencils .

10 . All Abilities Disco :

The All Abilities Disco takes place monthly at the Northcote Town Hall and is open to all ages . Tickets cost $5 per person.

People with disabilities and elderly can benefit from participating in different social activities in the community. Doing so improves many aspects of their well being such as:

  • Physical activities like sports, dancing and exercising are beneficial for NDIS participants.
  • Innovative community participation activities help them learn new skills such as using computers, navigating the internet, learning to cook, woodwork and others.
  • Socialising with other people improves their social skills and gives them a sense of belongingness.
  • These activities are also beneficial for their mental health. It can give them peace and calmness.
Different Social Activities for NDIS Participants

Exciting Community Participation in NDIS Here at Pwd Care

As you can see, there are many different social activities available for NDIS participants in Melbourne. Whether you’re interested in fitness, art, or simply meeting new people, there’s sure to be an activity on this list that’s perfect for you. You just need to partner with a reliable disability provider that can expose you to a variety of interesting social activities like PWD Care.

Other than our great social activities for participants, we also offer great listing for disability accommodations, flexible respite care services, SIL and assistance in doing your personal activities. Make that step in improving your life when you connect with PWD Care today!