The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a federal government-funded program that provides support for those with permanent and significant disabilities. It allows people with disabilities the opportunity to plan and manage their own lives, access support services, and participate more fully in their communities. One of the most important aspects of the NDIS are personal care services, which allow people with disabilities to have more control over their everyday lives.

PWD Care, a competent NDIS provider in Melbourne shares everything you need to know about personal care support in NDIS.

What Is Personal Care in NDIS?

As a type of disability support, personal care services provide assistance with activities that many of us take for granted, such as showering, dressing, eating, and toileting. These activities are essential for living a healthy life but can be difficult or impossible for some people with disabilities to do without help. That’s why personal care services are so important; they enable individuals with disabilities to live independently and have greater control over their own lives.

Who Can Access Personal Care Services?

Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria for the NDIS can access personal care services. This includes children aged 0-17 years old who live in Australia and have a disability or medical condition that is likely to be permanent and significantly affects their development. Those aged 18+ must meet all eligibility criteria as well as demonstrate how their disability impacts them daily in order to access personal care services through the NDIS. There is also a specific personal care for elderly to ensure that they are receiving the proper kind of care and support. 

How Can I Access Personal Care Services?

If you are eligible for the NDIS, you will need to create a plan outlining your specific needs and goals before you can access any services under the scheme. The team at NDIS will work closely with you throughout this process so that your needs are met and your goals achievable. Once your plan has been approved, you will then be able to access personal care services through registered providers like PWD Care who are experienced in helping individuals build better lives under the NDIS framework. 

Personal care services play an important role in allowing individuals with disabilities greater independence and control over their own lives. If you meet the eligibility requirements for the NDIS, it’s worth considering whether personal care services could help improve your quality of life

At PWD Care, we understand how challenging it can be navigating the NDIS framework and finding appropriate service providers—but we’re here to help! We have complete and compassionate elderly personal care as well as personal care for disability.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you on this journey towards greater independence.